- City Schools of Decatur
- Gifted Services FAQ
Gifted and Talented Services
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What gifted services will my student receive?
Identified students with parental consent will receive a minimum of five segments of gifted service per week or the yearly equivalent. Service models in CSD currently include Resource service (grades K-8), Cluster Model (grades K-10), Advanced Content/Honors courses (grades 6-12), Directed Study (grades 9-12), and Advanced Placement and IB Diploma Program courses (grades 10-12). Service is need-based, so not every student will participate in every service delivery model.
Efforts will be made to match student's learning needs and interests (as documented by assessment results) to available programming options. Please refer to your child's service notification form and the school's gifted brochure or website of services for information specific to your child. These documents are sent home during the first term of the school year. If you have additional questions, please contact your school's gifted specialist or gifted lead teacher.