- Beacon Hill Middle School
- Gifted Services FAQ
How is mental ability evaluated?
a. If Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) data from system-wide testing (grades 1, 3, 6) is less than two calendar years old, those scores will be used.
b. If the CogAT or other provided mental ability testing data is more than two years old, another CogAT will be administered as part of the screening process prior to referral for evaluation.
c. If a student undergoing gifted review or gifted evaluation has testing accommodations documented in a 504 or IEP that cannot be met in system-wide CogAT administration, an individual test of mental ability will be administered by a psychologist (e.g. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V)).
d. If the student is from a currently underrepresented population in gifted education in City Schools of Decatur, and the student demonstrates evidence of strength in nonverbal skills, a test of nonverbal intelligence (e.g. TONI-4 or UNIT-2) may be used as a second measure of mental ability.
e. If a student scores between the 93rd-95th percentiles on a first measure of mental ability, and if the student has qualifying scores in at least two other areas of eligibility (achievement, creativity, and/or motivation), then a second measure of mental ability will be given (such as CogAT 7 or 8, WISC-V, or TONI-4, dependent on student’s first measure).
f. Scores at the 99th percentile rank (K-2) or at or above the 96th percentile rank (3-12) on the composite or full-scale score of a mental ability test are qualifying scores. Also, if a student meets multiple criteria in any three of the four areas, a mental ability component score at or above 96th percentile rank is a qualifying score (K-12).