- City Schools of Decatur
- Gifted Services FAQ
Gifted and Talented Services
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How is achievement evaluated?
a. STAR Achievement scores will be used for both math and reading for students in grades K-12.
b. If a student is referred for a gifted evaluation and has used extended time testing accommodations on STAR, rendering the percentile rank unusable for eligibility, then an alternative achievement assessment will be administered as part of the gifted evaluation.
c. If a high school student has current qualifying PSAT or SAT scores, those may also be used.
d. If a student’s academic achievement testing score is at or above the 90th percentile rank in reading and/or math, it is a qualifying score.
e. If a student does not meet eligibility criteria in the area of achievement but meets eligibility criteria in two other areas (mental ability, creativity, or motivation), then the student’s STAR scores will be monitored for the next year as additional measures of achievement.