- Westchester Elementary
- Gifted Services FAQ
What is the process for recommending a student to be evaluated for gifted services?
CSD has a three-step process before gifted evaluation: Recommendation, Review, and Referral. The first step is to recommend the student for gifted review. A parent, teacher, staff member, or student can recommend a student for review. If you would like to recommend a student, please click here to print our Recommendation for Review form or ask your school's gifted specialist for a copy. Recommendation forms must be submitted to the school's gifted specialist prior to Wednesday, October 2.
During Gifted Review, the Gifted Specialist at each school will determine which recommended students do not have CogAT results current within two years. These students will take the CogAT as screening prior to the Gifted Review. If a student already has CogAT results current within two years, then those scores will be used for Gifted Review purposes and an additional CogAT will not be given.
The school Gifted Specialist and the Director of Instructional Programs will review all recommended students to determine which students meet the criteria for further evaluation. The criteria for further gifted evaluation are EITHER a CogAT component or composite score at or above 96th percentile AND/OR three standardized achievement scores (MAP, STAR, etc.) at or above 90th percentile in math or reading (all three scores must be in the same subject) within the last two years. If a student is referred for further gifted evaluation, parents must sign a consent to evaluate before evaluation can take place.