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Musical auditions are coming up soon!

Musical Auditions are Coming Up!

This year, the Clairemont Players will present the musical Dinosaurs Before Dark! Many students are familiar with the beloved Magic Tree House book series, and now they will get to take part in bringing the first book to life! Mark your calendars for this exciting musical event on the evening of Thursday, November 21.

Auditions will take place on Monday and Tuesday, September 16 and 17. Auditions will be after school from 2:45-4:30 p.m. on both days. We ask that students with last names beginning with A-L plan to audition on Monday, and last names beginning with M-Z audition on Tuesday. If you have a conflict with your assigned day, please let Mrs. Nelson or Ms. DeRosa know.


Singers will have a number of roles to fill in our upcoming musical, however they will only audition for the part of Annie and Jack.

To prepare, please review the below musical score for Jack and Annie. You will need to click this link, then go to Audition Central. Go to Jack and click Score. There you will find the notes and lyrics for the song When We Woke (Reprise.) Paper copies of the song will be sent home in your child’s red folder on Thursday and will be available in Ms. Nelson's classroom. Ms. Nelson will also review the song "When We Woke" in music class.


At the audition, all students will state their preferred character (see the list below) but will only audition for Jack or Annie. The full cast list (leads and ensemble) will be announced following auditions. Please emphasize to your child that every role in this musical is essential for the production to be a success! Leads and ensemble cast members working together make the magic happen!


Jack, Annie, Otto, Stump, Saplings, Red Pines/Hemlocks, Henry, Gary, Terri, Larry, Natty, Susan, Joan, Baby Dinosaurs, Ankylosaurus, Protoceratops, Iguanodons, Panoplosaurus, Troodon, T-Rex

This year, rehearsals will be on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 2:45-4 p.m., starting September 30. Students who participate in Animal Crackers aftercare will be able to return to the cafeteria at the end of rehearsals. Please be sure to update the dismissal for your child on audition and rehearsal days in Pick Up Patrol.