School Psychology

  • Our school psychologists work collaboratively with school leaders, staff, students, families and our CSD community to provide ongoing support and consultation. This includes assistance and intervention within the Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS), evaluations to assess for learning differences and special education eligibility,  preventive and responsive services for at-risk behavior and mental health challenges, and ongoing consultation with parents' questions and concerns.

Contact Us

  • Coordinator 504 and School Psychology
    Ben Knaebel
    404-371-3601 x 1062

    School Psychologist
    Christie Bailey
    Locations: Oakhurst Elementary and College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center

    School Psychologist
    Kristen Plumeau Cheng
    Location: Decatur High School

    School Psychologist
    Dr. Geneel A. McKenzie
    Locations: Clairemont Elementary and Fifth Avenue Upper Elementary

    School Psychologist
    Dr. Leslie Hart
    Locations: Winnona Park Elementary School and Talley Street Upper Elementary School

    School Psychologist
    Vickie Wingard
    Locations: College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center and Beacon Hill Middle School

    School Psychologist
    Nancy Lamb
    Location: Westchester Elementary School