- Talley Street Upper Elementary
- Bus Information
This year, the CSD transportation department is introducing two new tools to enhance services. Both tools have been tested and are ready for use during the upcoming school year.
The Stopfinder app will replace the Here Comes the Bus app for real-time tracking of buses during pickup and drop-off. Please note the Here Comes the Bus will no longer be accessible.
Infofinder i is a link that will replace the Can You Ride app, assisting families in locating student bus stop locations, stop times, and bus numbers
To find your student's bus stop location, stop time, and bus number, please click theInfofinder i link. After locating this information, please confirm your choice to use the bus for transport by completing the registration form.
How to use Infofinder i:
(Please Note: No student information is available through this site.)
- Enter the physical address, including the house number
- Select the student's school and grade level, or select All
- Click on the search button
- Click on the black plus sign to view information for your nearest bus stop location, bus stop times (morning and evening), and the bus number
- If you need help finding your student's bus stop location or require further assistance determining the correct stop, contact the transportation department at 470-237-0368 ext. 7603.
How to use the Stopfinder App:
When school begins, the Stopfinder app enables the tracking of buses in real time. We invite you to activate your subscription and view details about your student's transportation using these steps:
Follow this link to activate your subscription: [link]
Download the Stopfinder app for [Apple] or [Android].
Additional Reminders:
Please ensure your student is at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled arrival time. During the initial weeks of school, pickup and drop-off times are approximate and may require adjustments. Timing will become more consistent as the school year progresses.
For safety reasons, the bus driver will not drop off a student below second grade at a bus stop without the presence of a parent, guardian, or older sibling.
If you need any assistance with the Stopfinder App, please reach out to us at stopfinder@csdecatur.net.
Contact us at routefinder@csdecatur.net if you have any routing concerns.
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure efficiency and safety in CSD school bus transportation.