• Class Assignments

    Parents will be able to log into the Parent Portal on July 25th to see who their child’s teacher will be. Class placement is a high priority for our staff and we are very intentional about this process each year. Class changes after this date will only be made under extreme circumstances.

    meet and greet

    Meet and Greet

    All K-2 schools have their Meet & Greet scheduled for Friday, July 26th from 1:00-3:00. This is a brief opportunity for parents, students and teachers to meet one another and for students to familiarize themselves with the school and the classroom. In order to be efficient and keep things running smoothly, kindergarten families may arrive between 1:00 and 2:00, while 1st and 2nd grade families may arrive between 2:00 and 3:00. The amazing GL PTA will be stationed in the media center - please pay them a visit!

    Accessing the Parent Portal

    Infinite Campus

    For parents new to CSD, you will need to set up an account in the Parent Portal which is in our information system, Infinite Campus. Please click here to learn more about how to set up an account. Please reach out to Patrice Moore, District Registrar Enrollment Specialist, with any questions.

    Annual Data Update in Infinite Campus

    All families must complete the annual data update before the first day of school. Directions on how to complete the annual update will be sent from CSD in the next week. If you run into any issues completing the annual data update, please contact Michelle Reynolds at mreynolds@csdecatur.net or call the office at 404-370-4435.