• Kindergarten

    Kindergarten students who walk to school should enter through our front entrance. Parents can give them a huge hug and their well-wishes right outside the door, and we will escort them into the school to their teachers. Kindergarten students arriving by car will enter the building through our side doors near the auditorium at the carpool circle. There they will be united with a staff member who will escort them to the auditorium to meet their teacher before being walked to class.

    For more information on a day in the life of a Glennwood kindergartener, please watch this video.

    Arrival and Dismissal for all K-2 Students

    Providing safe arrival and dismissal routines are a high priority for our staff. Please carefully read over the procedures that were emailed to families on 7.18.24. If you would like another copy, please contact our media specialist, Dee Anna Rittenhouse at drittenhouse@csdecatur.net

    Pick Up Patrol - NEW THIS YEAR!

    Starting on 7.25.24, we will be using a new system called PickUp Patrol to help us track dismissals. PickUp Patrol (PUP) provides you with a convenient way to make changes to your child’s dismissal plans and help ensure that our students are accurately dismissed each day.

    How It Works:

    1. Your child’s regular dismissal plan will be entered into the system. This is called their Default Plan.

    2. Whenever your child is following a plan other than their Default Plan you’ll submit the change using the PickUp Patrol app.

    Examples of a plan change:
    • Your child is sick and will not be attending school today.

    • Your child has a doctor's appointment and will be leaving early.

    • Your child normally rides the bus but is getting picked up today.

    • Your child will be arriving late.

    • Your child is getting picked up by someone other than yourself.

    3. When the change is submitted, the school will be notified and we’ll relay the change to your child.
    4. Register: In the next week you will receive a registration email with a link to set up your account. The web app is free for parents and you can use it from your phone or computer. When you receive the registration email, log in right away to confirm your child’s default plan.

    Notes, emails or phone calls will be accepted for changes for the next few weeks, but starting July 25th, all changes should be submitted through PickUp Patrol.

    Thank you for using PickUp Patrol to make safety a priority and to ensure our dismissal process is efficient for all students. If you have any questions, please first check the PUP Parent Guide. Also, if you do not have a way to download the app for dismissal changes, please reach out to Ms. Reynolds to discuss alternate plans. If after reading the parent guide you still need help, please contact us here in the office at mreynolds@csdecatur.net or PickUp Patrol at support@pickuppatrol.net.