Registration Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this district accepting non-resident paying tuition students?
    Not at this time. We will announce any change to this policy once it has been decided.

    Will the district be offering a virtual option in the fall?
    Please click here for instructions on registering for Decatur Virtual Academy.

    I'm moving to Decatur. How do I know if I am buying or renting a residence in the City of Decatur?
    For the map of Decatur, which shows both City of Decatur boundaries and assigned elementary schools, please visit

    I have heard that CSD elementary schools "fill up," and my child may not be able to attend my zoned school. Is that true?
    After our recent grade band reconfiguration, our schools now no longer fill up as they once did. Although there are exceptions for certain programs, it is unusual for students to be assigned to a school other than their "home" school. 

    Can I select which elementary school my child will attend?

    No, you will be assigned to a lower or upper elementary school based on your address. Please confirm your assigned elementary school based on this map

    I own a business in the City of Decatur. Can I enroll my child in City of Decatur schools?

    A person who owns property in the City of Decatur but does not reside in the city is not considered a resident for enrollment purposes. Likewise, ownership of a business within the City of Decatur's city limits does not constitute residency for purposes of attending City Schools of Decatur unless the business is also the primary place of residence where the student sleeps overnight and where the student stays while not at work or school.

    How do I register my child? What documentation do I need? 

    All registration is handled virtually at this time. Please visit this page for the registration instructions: For a list of the required documentation, please visit

    I am struggling to upload documents to the online application. Is there another way I can send them?
    Yes, you can scan your documents on a scanner, or if you have an iPhone, it allows you to scan a document as well. You can then upload your scanned document to an email and send them to Patrice Moore at We prefer you to upload them to the online application, but this is an additional option if you need it. For full instructions on using the scan feature on your iPhone, please visit You can also schedule an appointment for assistance by clicking here.

    Can I bring the documents in person?
    Yes. If you have trouble uploading your documents, you can bring them to the Wilson Center (125 Electric Avenue) Monday - Friday 8:30 - 3:30. You can also make an appointment for assistance by clicking here. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Patrice Moore at

    I am a full-time CSD employee, but I do not live in the city of Decatur. Can I enroll my child and what is the enrollment process?
    Yes. As a benefit to our employees, we allow any full-time CSD staff member to enroll their children in our school system. Please contact Patrice Moore at for enrollment information.