- Talley Street Upper Elementary
- Crew at Talley Street
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Crew at Talley Street
At Talley Street Upper Elementary, we will ground all that we do in Crew. Crew will be multi-faceted, and will include (but not be limited to) the following:
Student Crew
- Morning Meetings
- We will implement a Morning Meeting curriculum that will be streamlined across classrooms and grade levels. Morning Meetings will include greetings, readings, classroom initiatives, and debriefs. All Morning Meetings will align with our school vision and our yet-to-be-determined agreements & expectations.
- Student Leadership
- At Talley Street, we will encourage our students to take on leadership roles whenever possible. This could include school-wide ambassadors, peer leaders, and mentor roles for students.
Staff Crew
- Staff Bonding
- At Talley Street, we are committed to recognizing the importance of connections within our staff. We believe that our teachers and support crew need to know and understand each other in order to best collaborate and positively affect our kids. In light of this, we will provide opportunities for our staff to bond both inside and outside of school.
- Huddle Ups
- We will end every Friday with a staff Huddle Up, where we will share highlights from the week. We will honor each other with shout outs of appreciation and recognition. We will include reading for reflection and finish each Huddle Up with a quick whip-around on a topic related to our school and students.
Community Crew
- Community Circle/Meeting
- Every Friday, we will gather as a school community to celebrate our week’s successes. We will sing songs, participate in Specials connections (Music, Art, PE, Spanish), and highlight students for their excellence.
- Engagement Nights
- We will plan and host Community Engagement Nights at Talley Street. Some ideas for these events include International Night, Reading Night, Flash Mobs, and so on. We will keep everyone apprised of the plans as they are formed.
It is important to remember that Talley Street Upper Elementary is in its infancy. We are committed to rolling out initiatives for our students and staff with fidelity. In order to do so, we will take our time implementing and evaluating all future endeavors, including Crew. We will provide staff with the resources and training necessary to make this incredibly crucial part of our school a success. We will debrief and make adjustments as we deem them necessary. We thank you in advance for your support.