Individual Counseling

  • Students sometimes need support beyond what the school counselor can provide. The Decatur Student Center (DSC) offers students individual counseling through a number of internal and external providers that collaborate with the DSC. Counseling sessions are designed to help students remove barriers that limit their academic success. Students can self refer, or a student can be referred by a friend, parent, teacher or community member with concerns about a student.

Group Counseling

  • The Decatur Student Center offers small group counseling based on the needs that students request. Through focus groups, data analysis and student surveys, topics and skills are identified and groups are created to meet those needs.  The Decatur Student Center offers groups such as Financial Literacy, Stress Management, Healthy Relationships, and Executive Functioning Skills.  

    Small group meeting times vary.  They may meet before or after school or during the school day. Groups held during the school day are scheduled to minimize students missing multiple sessions of the same class. Students understand that by choosing to voluntarily participate in groups, they are responsible for any missed classwork. 

Food Insecurity

  • The Decatur Student Center, through the support of the Decatur Education Foundation & community donors, provides families with supplemental food for weekends and extended vacations. The Center at Beacon Hill also provides students with snacks throughout the day. If you have any questions or want to donate, please contact Dr. Shannon Hervey at

The Green Closet

  • The Decatur Student Center is accepting donations to create The Green Closet, a sustainable, upscale project. Students may come and obtain outfits when needed at no charge. The DHS Fashion and Marketing club oversees the closet, including sorting clothes and creating outfits for display.

    Have some gently used casual clothing or business wear, costume jewelry, or coats/sweatshirts you would like to donate? Or are you willing to purchase new socks or undergarments you would like to purchase to donate? Please contact Dr. Shannon Hervey, to discuss needs and times for donations.