Student technology Q&A

  • Students and staff use a variety of technologies to support learning. We've compiled below some questions and answers parents, students, and staff might have about students' access to technology in CSD. Please click on a question below for its answer to appear.

  • How can I get help with my student's Chromebook?

  • What is my student's CSD email address/Google Workspace user name and password?

  • What online resources does CSD use?

  • What computers do students use at school?

  • What kind of computer does my child need at home?

  • Is CSD a 1:1 district?

  • Are there free or inexpensive options to get internet access and/or a device at home?

  • My child is being bullied or harassed online. What should I do?

  • I'm anxious about my student's "screen time" or general use of technology at home -- any advice?

  • How does CSD filter and monitor students' online activity?

  • Can my student access their CSD account while traveling outside the U.S.?

  • Why does CSD use Google systems? What is Google doing with student data?

  • How many computers does CSD have?