- City Schools of Decatur
- Operations
- Sustainability
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The City Schools of Decatur is committed to providing safe and inviting schools, which equates to a healthy and vibrant learning environment for our students and staff. We strive to maximize our resources through responsible operational procedures. We use best practices in energy savings to limit our consumption and expenditures. We support healthy living through our Farm to School program. We engage students in healthy lifestyle choices and habits through physical activity and physical education. Our curriculum is infused with learning about our community and the environment. As we move to becoming one of the nations top school districts in the 21st century, these efforts will help us develop a student population that is provided with great opportunities to develop lifelong habits that support a sustainable environment and clean living.
We want to congratulate the work being done by our operations departments in these areas and the work they are doing to promote the pillars of Green Ribbon Schools. City Schools of Decatur was nominated by the Georgia Department of Education for our work in reducing environmental impact and costs, improving the health and wellness of students and staff, as well as, providing effective environmental and sustainability education, incorporating STEM, civic skills and green career pathways.
This recognition shows that the City Schools of Decatur is committed to sustainability, health and wellness and educating our children for the future. We will use this as a springboard into our continued work on bolstering sustainability in our district.