- Clairemont Elementary
- RTI Vocabulary
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Essential MTSS Vocabulary
AIP: The Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) shall identify the desired levels of performance in the student's specific areas of weakness, and the instructional and support services to be provided to meet the desired levels of performance.
Data-Driven Decision Making: The process of planning for student success both academic and behavioral) through the use of ongoing progress monitoring and analysis of data.
Family-School Partnerships: Families and staff partnering in the MTSS process, including designing interventions for school and home.
Focused Assessment: Formal and informal assessment targeted to specifically plan program service delivery and/or appropriate interventions for student success.
Problem-Solving/MTSS Team: The school-based team may appear under different names in different buildings, but all examine children that are identified due to their performance on at-risk determinants. The primary function of MTSS teams is to identify and solve problems.
Progress Monitoring: Collecting and analyzing data about student progress to make instructional decisions.Research-based intervention: Instruction that has been shown, through research studies or consistent data collection, to have resulted in adequate student progress on a particular skill.
MTSS Support Process: A collaborative team process based on the multi-tiered model which includes prescribing, monitoring, and evaluating interventions based on data
Universal Screening: Assessments given to all students at regularly scheduled times during the school year to determine which students are having difficulty and may need additional supports in order to meet expected growth targets.